KOBE Biomedical Innovation Cluster newsletter vol.52
- October 2024 -
vol.52 October 2024
Next month, KBIC will participate in 2 major international exhibition which will be held in Europe.
BIO-Europe 2024 (Nov 4th ~ Nov 6th) at Stockholm, Sweden https://informaconnect.com/bioeurope/
MEDICA/COMPAMED 2024 (Nov 11 ~ Nov 14) at Dusseldorf, Germany https://www.medica-tradefair.com/
We are very excited to participate in these events onsite. If you are participating as well, we are looking forward to meeting with you and happy to introduce about Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster (KBIC), our activities and our cluster member companies for possible collaboration. We will see you soon!
If you missed our past issues of KBIC newsletter, please visit Newsletter Archive.
FBRI Editorial Team
United Immunity published preclinical results on the efficacy and immunogenicity of next gen COVID-19 vaccine utilizing Myeloid Targeting Platform™
United Immunity, Co., Ltd., a biotech company developing pullulan-based Myeloid Targeting Platform™, with its partners from the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Nagasaki University and Aichi Cancer Center announced today the publication of preclinical data demonstrating that pullulan nanoparticle (PNP, shown as PNG in the article) actively delivers the spike (S) protein of SARS-CoV-2 to antigen-presenting medullary macrophages through the selective binding to the C-type lectin receptor SIGN-R1 (mouse equivalent of human DC-SIGN). PNP vaccination strongly enhanced the induction of specific CD8+ T cells and thereby prevented viral infection. The study was published in the journal npj Vaccines on September 18.
Celaid Therapeutics Inc. Secures up to $19M Grant from the Japanese Agency for Medical Research and Development
Celaid Therapeutics Inc. is pleased to announce today that it has been awarded up to approx. 2.7 billion yen ($19M USD) in non-dilutive grant funding as “Strengthening Program for Pharmaceutical Startup Ecosystem” program by the Japanese Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). The grant will be used to support the development of Celaid's lead program “CLD-001”, an ex vivo expanded Hematopoietic Stem Cell (HSC) Therapy for pediatric non-malignant diseases.
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