KOBE Biomedical Innovation Cluster newsletter vol.23
- May 2022 -

vol.23 May 2022
Hello everyone. How are you doing since then?
It has been already two months since the start of the new fiscal year (In Japan, fiscal year starts in April).
Since the corona pandemic occurred in 2020, there have been very few visitors to Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster (KBIC) from overseas, but since the restrictions on corona have been eased, the number of visitors from overseas has been increasing especially since April 2022. We all are happy because we have been waiting a long time for the return of normalcy.
Things are changing a bit again in KBIC, with or without the influence of corona, and we hope that you can visit Kobe when you have chances.
The conditions for entry into Japan and exit from Japan are published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW).
Unlike the pre-corona period, some additional preparations may be necessary, so please check the conditions in your home country or the country you are visiting before proceeding with your travel preparations.
BIO Japan, Asia's largest bio-business partnering event, is held annually in Yokohama in October and attracts participants from over 30 countries. Many of the exhibiting and partnering companies are repeat customers. We also hope that this business meeting will be a good opportunity for you to visit Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster "KBIC".

If you missed our recent topics, please visit Newsletter Archive page.
FBRI Editorial Team
Astrego Diagnostics AB Becomes Wholly-owned Sysmex Subsidiary through the Acquisition of Outstanding Shares
(Published: May 2, 2022)
Sysmex Corporation (HQ: Kobe, Japan; Chairman and CEO: Hisashi Ietsugu) announced that Astrego Diagnostics AB (HQ: Uppsala, Sweden; CEO: Ove Öhman) has become a wholly-owned subsidiary through the acquisition of outstanding shares and that the company name has changed to Sysmex Astrego AB. Going forward, in addition to accelerating the clinical application of rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing for urinary tract infections, the companies aim to contribute to solving the problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)3 and other issues related with healthcare.
FBRI’s research team elucidates a novel regulatory mechanisms by which MDS cells inhibit normal hematopoiesis, published in Cell Reports on May 10, 2022
FBRI is pleased to announce that Yasutaka Hayashi (Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (SPD), Department of Hematology-Oncology, Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation, FBRI), Dr. Daichi Inoue, (Professor, Department of Hematology-Oncology, Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation, FBRI), Dr. Toshio Kitamura (Director, Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation, FBRI) and their research team have elucidated a novel mechanism by which extracellular vesicles (EVs) released from malignant cells impair osteolineage differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) , leading to the suppression of normal hematopoiesis.
TreeFrog Therapeutic launches a $100,000 research grant in regenerative medicine
TreeFrog Therapeutics, a biotechnology company aimed at making safer, more efficient and more affordable cell therapies based on induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and established a lab in Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster, today announced the launch of The Stem Cell SpaceShot Grant, a $100,000 research funding in the field of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine.
Compete Guide on How to Set Up your business in Japan
Table of Contents
1. Business Startup Overview
2. All you need to know about the Startup VISA
3. Renting a House and Resident Registration
4. Obtaining a Phone Number, a Name Seal and Personal Bank Account
5. Business Manager VISA
6. Incorporating a Business and Renting an Office
7. How to open corporate bank account
8. How to Sign Up for Social and Labor Insurance
9. Introducing Kobe Biomedical Innovation
10. Testimonials