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KOBE Life Science Cluster Company List

Business Expansion
on Kobe's Port Island



as of June 30, 2024

Companies are divided into categories by their major business field on Kobe Port Island. In the case they have other business fields, it is shown in the minor field.» List of KBIC companies(PDF)

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Hyogo Eyebank

Major field:Outsourcing Business for Hospital


Major field:Beauty and Health Care

Miner field:Contract Research

Miner field:Patent

R&D in the field of ophthalmology and support for improvement of visual function

Vision Care Group

Major field:CRO

Miner field:Regenerative Medicine

Planning and realization of the Kobe Eye Center concept, and Research & Development promotion projects for practical application of regenerative medicine and gene therapy, as well as commercialization of research technologies


Vision Care Group was established by the team that succeeded in the world's first clinical application of iPS cells under the Kobe Eye Center concept, which integrates research, clinical practice, and patient care, not only to develop treatments for retinal diseases but also to solve all problems faced by visually impaired people.VC Gene Therapy Inc. for practical use of gene therapy, and VC Cell Therapy Inc. for practical use of cell therapy, are subsidiaries for different purposes, and joint research is being conducted with KOBE CITY EYE HOSPITAL. Aiming for "every possible solution for every patient", we are working to nurture seeds and support commercialization, including collaboration with other companies, in areas ranging from regenerative medicine and gene therapy to employment support for low-vision people.

Product / Service / PR

    ・Consulting in the fields of ophthalmology and regenerative medicine
    ・Research and development of technologies related to regenerative medicine and gene therapy
    ・Manufacture, sale, import and export of goods related to regenerative medicine, gene therapy, etc.
    ・Acquisition, possession, licensing, transfer and management of industrial property rights, copyrights and other intellectual property
    ・Support for commercialization of low vision care
Address: Kobe Eye Center 5F, 2-1-8 Minatojima minamimachiChuoku Kobe city Hyogo Pref Japan  (Contact Person Takuma Fukuda)
TEL: +81-78-304-5260
Web site: https://www.vision-care.jp/ E-mail: info@vision-care.jp