KOBE Biomedical Innovation Cluster newsletter vol.18
- December 2021 -

vol.18 December 2021
Time flies and there is only a week left before the end of the year. December 31st, new year's eve, could be one of the busiest day. On this particular day, typically we do a lot of shopping, cooking special dishes, deep cleaning the room/house to keep tidy, put some special ornaments, etc. and get ready for the new year.
One of a custom in Japan is to eat そば = Soba (Buckwheat Noodle) on new year's eve. We call it 年越しそば = Toshikoshi Soba, literally means "Year-Crossing Noodles". Since buckwheat noodle is thin and long, it is said to represents healthy long life and everlasting family fortune.
Soba Noodles with Hot Soup

Soba Noodles with Dipping Sauce

The New Year season is the most significant time for the Japanese, and we still keep some of the custom to have a great new year.

May your new year filled with joy, shines with hopes and lots of happy moments!
FBRI Editorial Team
Epigeneron, Inc. and Center for Genomic and Regenerative Medicine, Juntendo University School of Medicine started a joint research on novel drug target discovery for neurodegenerative diseases (Published: November 24, 2021)
Epigeneron announced that it has entered into a joint research agreement with Juntendo University School of Medicine (Wado Akamatsu, M.D., Ph.D., Professor, Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine, Center for Genomic and Regenerative Medicine) on drug target discovery to create new therapeutic medicines for neurodegenerative diseases.
Kobe City’s Age-Tech Eldercare Technology Implementation and Promotion Program Creates Win-Win for Both Society and International Age-Tech Companies (Published: December 9, 2021)
With right at 30% of its population aged over 65, Japan represents the largest global market for ageing-related technologies. And with the proportion of over 65s headed to around 40% by 2050, the addressable market is only set to expand.
Let us introduce some of the most notable people who are creating, developing and commercializing the world's most advanced medical technologies in Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster.
【Featured Innovator of this month】
Dr. Koichi Wada
Head of Kobe Pharma Research Institute
Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim, Co., Ltd
Grow Your Medical Business in Kobe!
We help international medical business thrive in Japan with world-class research institutes and facilities.
The Japanese MedTech & HealthTech Market 2021
Learn extensive insights into the Japanese MedTech market trend including a breakdown of major diseases and medical expenditures, healthcare systems as well as regulations and key players in the MedTech market in Japan.